OEM Appliance


Efficient and environmentally friendly

Fire Brick Engineers offers a wide range of product solutions and systems – insulating blanket and board, ceramic and industrial felts, papers and other high temperature ceiling products. Cerablanket and patented Superwool® provide excellent insulation with low bio-persistence properties. Our product offerings are environmentally friendly and safe to handle.

Home water heaters, cookers, dryers, gas fireplaces, electric storage heaters and tools are all fitted with a variety of thermal and acoustical materials. Industrial equipment as diverse as beverage dispensers, air-conditioning systems, baking ovens, catering grills and space heaters also require insulation materials.


  • Refractory Ceramic Fiber
  • Blanket
  • Felt and Paper
  • Fiberglass
  • Acoustical Products
  • Insulating Board
  • Super Wool®
  • Mineral Wool
  • E-Glass Mat and Paper

“I love working with the Fire Brick Engineers team, especially when I am under tight deadlines. They respond quickly, efficiently, and they are always looking for solutions.”

– Tom, Senior Buyer - OEM boiler manufacturer

“I have been working with the Fire Brick Engineers team for 14 years. They are always willing to try new ideas and their customer support has an incredibly quick turnaround.”

– John, Senior Project Engineer - OEM appliance manufacturer


  • Die cutting – water jet cutting
  • Encapsulating – slitting – sheeting
  • Vacuum forming – vendor management

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